Andrea Tokaji's Interview on TNT Radio on the Mind Medicine Program with Charles Kovess can be accessed as a PODCAST HERE
"On today's show we discuss what are the key human rights that Governments are trashing in Australia and elsewhere. Also, how can we protect our human rights better and what impact does it have on mental health when our freedoms are attacked."
WilmsFront Interview - Ep. 128 Human Rights Overlooked
Interview with Darryl Budge:
4-PART SERIES with Tony Lambert:
Sky News - Independent Candidate - Conspiracy Theorist
WilmsFront Unshackled Interview - Post Election and Human Rights
And here:
Aussie Cosack Interview - Political
Supernal - Mandates and Human Rights
Kate Barnes - Questioning State of emergency
Peacemakers Interview - Human Rights with a difference
Family Voice - resisting Government
Family Voice - Christian Self Government
Family Voice - Jab Mandates and Nuremberg Code
Family Voice - Resisting Government and Praying for our Leaders
Sheridan - Religious Tolerance Lecture
Peacemakers - Lobbying
Freedom Chef - Matter of Hazzard v Kassam
Freedom Media - I think they have taken my several lectures off their channel?
2016: The West Australian Jurist - The Due Diligence Obligation of a State to Children Harmed by Porn - A Critical Appraisal
2016: Human Trafficking - and why the Nordic Model is it’s Solution
2017: Lexis Nexis - Why Australia’s proposed Modern Slavery Act does not go far enough
2017: Ethos - There are slave markets in Libya – so why doesn't Australia care?
2017: The West Australian Jurist - The Incompatibility of Prostitution Laws with International Human Rights
2020: Lexis Nexis - The importance of an Australian anti-slavery commissioner as a strength to the rule of law
2020 - The Western Australian Legal Theory Association - Will the Modern Slavery Act as a Regulatory Tool be Effective in Disrupting Slave Labour in Australian Business Supply Chains?
2020 - The Western Australian Legal Theory Association - The Victorian Government’s Conflict of Interest in Reviewing its Prostitution Laws and the need to Implement Nordic-like Prostitution Laws
2021 - The Western Australian Legal Theory Association - CCP Government-Sanctioned Organ Harvesting and Genocide
2017: Vision Radio - Human Trafficking Feeds On Porn And Prostitution
2017: City News - Pledging to end the Violence of Prostitution
2017: Australia must take a stand against the exploitation of women
2017: Tweent20 Radio Interview - Men-Led Pledge against Prostitution and Exploitation
2018: Ethos - The Modern Slavery Act: is it our lost Opportunity?
2018: Eternity - New Laws Could put Sex Slaves at Greater Risk
2018: Forum on Modern Slavery
2018: The Epoch Times - NSW Takes Crucial Step In Fight Against Human Organ Trafficking, Targets Crimes Overseas
2020: Online Opinion - Will the Modern Slavery Act be effective in disrupting slave labour?
2021: Cauldron Pool - The Death of Democracy in Australia
2021: Legal concerns about the emergency powers exercised under COVID-19
2021: Marxist Mark took away your international freedoms and rights under COVID
2021: Dictator Dan has shown his true colours with the Pandemic Management Bill
2012: Cth Inquiry into Slavery, Slavery-like conditions and People Trafficking
2015: NSW - Inquiry into Brothels in NSW
2018: NSW Parliament - NSW Modern Slavery Act Reporting Requirement Recommendations
2019: NT Parliament - The Economic Policy Scrutiny Committee on the Northern Territory Sex Industry Bill 2019
2020: Victorian Submission to the Parliamentary Inquiry into Prostitution Laws (unpublished)
As an international speaker, advocate, researcher, lecturer and governance specialist,
here are some of
Andrea Tokaji's resources for your convenience and use ....
"Speaking up for those who
cannot speak
for themselves .... "
As an international speaker,
advocate, researcher,
lecturer and
governance specialist,
here are some of
Andrea Tokaji's resources
for your convenience
and use ....
On the midweek edition of WilmsFront, we look at how human rights have been overlooked and had their meaning changed over the past year with guest Western Australian state election candidate, human rights advocate, and legal academic Andrea Tokaji on YOU TUBE HERE
WA Premier Mark McGowan has decreed the state will reopen to the world on March 3 to those who comply with all his edicts. On this week's WilmsFront to help us negative the new legal minefields is Human Rights Advocate and Political candidate Andrea Tokaji.